I. A BACKWARDS LOOPING TRACKED TRAIN no back pedaled grace of undone available here the taste bud I’ve grown indelible as black ink on back of my tongue no cut images curl on the editing floor regret a homing pigeon’s accuracy of return I don’t know of a god who performs surgery there has been no lifting away, yet.
II. Vanishing Spell for a Boomerang may work if I pick trash ban single-use plastic savor the back of your neck place books in a Library of Worship clamp the end of the toothpaste as you like it offer free kitchen garden kits translate whale as Savior fold your t-shirts to square foster more kittens submit some work even though you never bought the newspaper I wanted or put your shoes away, the boomerang my disappear if I place proteins on a single shelf and fill the icetrays to your preferred level. If I wear non-fiction on my face.
6 Steps Away For A Friend
I give her 2 antidotes
for depression's first tug
2 buckets to hold the
the dripping water
1. walk 2. art
Oh, and 3. pop a Pristiq
I'm up to 50mg and feeling less.
The dog has burrowed in the pillows
I spot the tips of two ears
4. Sometimes you can sleep it off
cushioned by warmth.
5. eat the food you have considered.
Invitation information: she isn't eating
sugar, dairy, meat or carbs.
Luckily, I'm practiced at accommodation
and back on the flesh-less wagon
since the drive-by happened.
Passed a slatted semi
rows of pink pig noses
pressed through bars.
6. Grab a rooted trunk or branch
steady yourself, body angled
in determination.
Peculiarly poignant and profound
These are beautiful and your allusions are sharp and strong and impactful, even if I don’t comprehend them fully. i just watched an apocalyptic movie where survivors are radioing each other messages of hope—your recording felt like that! And your closing message for 2024 was poignant—i wanted to read its poem.