Article voiceover
The ad read, A SET OF DENTURES lost, somewhere on N. King across from New Market Center Saturday 11th Call 912 467 9869 Gloria and Safrina from the Senior Center walk a mile down King before turning back. Mr. Gadston waits in the lunchroom, unable to eat anything but the cornbread and tomato soup. He has a habit of looking in his plastic grocery bag where he keeps his essentials: extra reading glasses, bus schedule pack of Nabs, daughter's address in Birmingham, worn surgical mask. On the walk, Safrina looks left by the 4 lane Gloria looks right into the grass-strip between the walk and the retaining wall. Surprised by the number of fast food wrappers, shopping bags, a small disintegrating notepad. She isn't prepared to pick up all the trash. Safrina notices a new black sneaker, near the lane of traffic. Run over. Adult size. Later, on the sidewalk, looks like the mate to that shoe. . They pass time making up back-stories. Most likely cause, a shoe blew out of a pickup on a cross-town move. Students driving around late, a friend, drunk in the backseat, feet out the window pushes one off laughing. A couple argue on a drive, new box of sneakers between them, she is sick of it, sick of this shit! she says, rips the top of the shoebox, grabs one shoe along with the tissue paper, throws it as hard as she can out the window, keeps driving. At the stoplight, he jumps out, she throws the other shoe drives to the grocery parking lot, sits there. Goes back for him. Mr. Gadston is looking through The Carolina Today magazine, a feature about Glenda Wilson in Dunn, about her award winning tomatoes, she holds up a big Better Boy no cracks. There is a wooden boat show coming up on the coast, a blueberry fest in Lenoir. He’s talking himself into a bus ride courtesy Senior Center to Jefferson next weekend for a car show, then remembers he probably won’t go without his dentures and can’t locate one of his brown walking shoes. He’s talking himself into not thinking about what he doesn’t have or did have. Last visit with Lisa the volunteer, she encouraged him to participate in anything, just try one thing. What he really wants is to fix something, be asked for advice or to live long enough to volunteer for a medical trial of an anti-aging drug. He wants more time. To matter.
I found myself hoping she'd show up with the teeth and a shoe but I am so old school.
Loved reading your poems. Your work just keeps getting better and better. Keep it up. With love,
Sallie K.