Article voiceover
The Fault of an Absent Moon
-In Norse mythology Odin can visit Hel and return alive.
We circled around him all week
on our last trip, to be with him, by the sea.
We all witnessed a comet zip-race
through black sky to a vanishing point,
trace, a new constellation to look up to,
follow him by, our Odin, among his fallen stars.
We circled around him all week.
Evenings, passed bottles and cigarettes
beside a sizzle-spark bonfire
one of us, so drunk—lost their pants,
sitting in the dark waves.
The fusion of togetherness
ignited amygdala’s kindling
blew across the beach
each gritty grain of sand
a crazy making rain—hitting skin
exciting neurons,
everything unsaid or heard too often
shouted—out of our mouths
echoed toward the deck.
The reverb, sounded, like a fight or a party or a death.
He sat on deck, dry and smokeless, listening to his progeny,
beached, their sonar out of whack.
I appreciate the pathos in the poem itself and then redoubled in your reading.
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