Article voiceover
I Met a Good Witch
in the brook by the street where the 15,000 square foot, fort of sorts, sits on the ridge down the road, which I’ve been told, not to trespass on as the home-owner roles her Tahoe window down. I’ve been your neighbor 20 years, my dog is leashed. She says, anyone can ogle us on Google Earth track her road that she doesn’t know. Next week, I notice her mailbox is gone, replaced with totems: a wooden flag, private drive sign, a cross painted on the largest boulder. Doesn’t want her husband to have to install a gate. It’s beautiful land, I say, irresistible like a community park. She replies, if I let one walk my road others may come. I am “othered” as undetermined in mismatched clothes a barefoot creek-walker. Never been obedient, like my dog who has learned. ~ I don’t tell her of the day of the witch. I witnessed two salamanders wiggle across a decorated door of bright pebbles in her brook’s floor. The witch appeared small as a doll, dressed in yellow polyester bell-bottom pants hair braided in a mobius strip. She told me the last time she was large, she watched 70’s sitcoms: All in The Family Bewitched Green Acres Beverly Hillbillys. She has channeled the Indian Head Test Pattern since April 6, 1961 when she woke up at midnight with the television on. He wore a Chieftain’s headdress, the illustrator, named Brooks, drew him into service, as a focus to appear during the quiet hours— check the black and white tones, shown in every TV’d home. The Good Witch and the Indian Head Test Pattern Chief remain in conversation every week. The Tiny Witch takes notes, self-publishes broad-sheets, Lists predictions of face-booking friends curates Tweets, truth missing links. Today, she continues to stream an underground channel on VHF.
Very amusing. I have to know, has anyone set one toe in her road.
If they haven’t perhaps I know someone who would💂🏿
That one is something else. I so Love it.