Article voiceover
Today I tend Mom's little Memorial Garden the Paper Whites and Peonies opening. Laid away, anticipated yearly like our school clothes at JC Penny. On final payment day handed over the counter installments noted on the tag. In her garden a Praying Mantis sac in disguise as twig. Three hundred baby Mantis's pray, in their case. Mantis mothers use stereoscopic vision to fiercely protect, hunt what is necessary for survival. Her symbolism thought to be a guide for those needing direction, in life or death. She represents patience and perseverance. Controls pests. Mom ironed our clothes, loved her menthols, did stand-up in waiting rooms made her bed and dressed every morning lip-sticked and sneakered. Packed the Rambler for camping peaked between the metal blinds for his head-lights. Slept soundly in prickly brush-rollers asked me to track purchases with the push button pocket-counter at the commissary. Tipped the baggers.
What a lovely ode to your mother.
Did stand up in waiting rooms?
Wish I had met her there!